If a particular shortcut is not helpful to you, you can simply delete it by highlighting the list entry, then clicking on the "Delete" button.Simply type "hacu" (no quotes) in the "Replace" box, and "School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies" in the "With" box. For example, perhaps you'd like to type hacu and have it expand into School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies.You can harness this power to create your own auto replace shortcuts. You may have noticed that if you mistype something, it will automatically correct itself before you get back to do it yourself. Check out the extensive list of AutoCorrect's frequent typos.Notice the options on the first tab and decide if you like the feature or not.Go to Tools->AutoCorrect (in Word 2007, Microsoft Office Button->Word Options, then select "Proofing," and then "AutoCorrect Options").You can also use a very handy feature of AutoCorrect to automatically change some unique abbreviation into a longer word or phrase that you have to type frequently. If you've ever wondered why Word changes your asterisks into bullets, your e-mail addresses into hyperlinks, or UMass to Umass, AutoCorrect is the place to look. Office 2010: See the features of this version of Office for Windows.

Mail Merge for Mac and PC: Video Tutorials on creating form letters, labels, and more with this easy automated process. Excel for Mac and PC: Links to video tutorials and handouts from our workshops.